Reconfigurable Automation Carts (RACs)

Industrial Design

Ginkgo’s Reconfigurable Automation Carts (RACs) lead innovation in synthetic biology and bio-manufacturing, revolutionizing lab and production processes. 

Collaborating closely with Ginkgo, StudioRed designed an iconic look for the RACs system. Our in-house industrial and engineering team worked closely with Ginkgo’s engineers to translate advanced robotics and automation into a tangible reality. We prioritized modularity, scalability, flexibility, and adaptability in our design efforts for the RACs system. Our strategic approach integrates shared components, reducing manufacturing costs and streamlining inventory management and part replacement processes.


  • Ginkgo Bioworks
  • 2023


Creating Connections: The Cohesive Design of the RACs 

The RACs were designed to enhance user experience and brand perception, emphasizing friendliness and approachability to counter the typical machine-like feel of high-tech lab equipment. 


Breaking Boundaries: RACs for Modularity & Scalability

Each module within the RACs operates as an independent yet interconnected unit. The RACs showcase state-of-the-art modularity in design to a high degree, allowing for seamless reconfiguration to meet diverse research and production needs.


Cost Efficiency through Shared Parts in the RACs 

RACs system is designed with a focus on cost efficiency, prominently featuring shared parts across its various modules. Special attention is given to maintaining cohesive design language and aesthetic appeal across all modules, particularly when utilizing shared parts in varying sizes and volumes within the RACs.