Injection Molding Sink Marks: What They Are + How To Prevent Them

Christian Bourgeois . July 18, 2024

A prototype engineer looks closely at a product

Have you ever noticed those small, shallow depressions on the surface of a plastic part? These imperfections, known as sink marks, can significantly impact the aesthetics, strength, and overall quality of a product.  In this article, we’ll explore what sink marks are, why they occur, and why it’s crucial to prevent them so you can improve the quality of your injection molded parts. 

What Are Sink Marks?

Sink marks are small, shallow depressions or indentations that appear on the surface of injection molded plastic parts. These imperfections are typically found in areas where the material is thicker, causing an uneven surface that can affect both the appearance and structural integrity of the part. 

While they may seem minor, sink marks can compromise the overall quality and aesthetic appeal of a product, making it essential to address and prevent them during the injection molding process.

white plastic product with sink marks

How Do Sink Marks Form?

Sink marks form when there is uneven cooling and shrinking of the material, typically in thicker sections of the part. As the plastic cools and solidifies, it contracts, causing the surface to sink inward, creating a noticeable blemish. 

Common Causes of Sink Marks in Injection Molding

Sink marks in injection molding are caused by various factors. Understanding these root causes is essential for implementing effective prevention strategies and ensuring high-quality plastic parts.

Material Shrinkage and Cooling

Sink marks in injection molding often stem from uneven cooling and shrinkage of plastic material. This differential shrinkage results in internal stresses that pull the surface inward, forming sink marks. Different plastics exhibit varying shrinkage rates and cooling behaviors, influencing the severity of sink marks. 

Proper mold design, precise processing conditions, and careful material selection are critical factors in managing shrinkage effectively to minimize sink marks and ensure consistent part quality.

plastic product with coring features

Part Design and Thickness

When designing parts, particularly in areas where two outer walls intersect or angled surfaces meet (commonly referred to as “baloney cuts”), it’s important to carefully consider the wall thickness.

labelled illustration showing best practices to avoid sink marks

Thicker sections of the part cool at a slower rate during the molding process, leading to uneven shrinkage compared to thinner sections. Following recommended guidelines for internal wall and rib thickness — typically around 50% to 60% of the nominal outside wall thickness — helps minimize variations in cooling rates and reduce the likelihood of sink marks. 

Insufficient Packing Pressure

During the injection molding process, after the molten plastic is injected into the mold cavity, it undergoes a phase where it is packed or compressed to ensure it completely fills the mold and compensates for shrinkage as it cools.

When the packing pressure is inadequate, several issues arise:

  • Incomplete filling: The molten plastic may not fully reach all areas of the mold cavity, especially in thicker sections or intricate geometries.
  • Air traps: Insufficient pressure can trap air pockets within the material, leading to voids or inconsistent material density.
  • Uneven distribution: The plastic material may not uniformly distribute across the mold cavity, resulting in variations in wall thickness.

These factors contribute to uneven cooling and shrinkage during the solidification phase. As thicker sections cool slower than thinner areas, they are more prone to sink inward due to internal stresses. 

Inadequate Cooling Time

Inadequate cooling time during injection molding is a key factor that can lead to sink marks on plastic parts. After the molten plastic fills the mold cavity, it needs sufficient time to cool and solidify before ejection. 

When cooling time is insufficient:

  • Parts may not fully solidify, leading to deformations or sink marks.
  • Different sections cool at different rates, with thicker areas particularly prone to uneven cooling.
  • Insufficient cooling can leave residual stresses in the material, causing it to contract unevenly and form sink marks.

To mitigate these issues, it’s essential to optimize the cooling time based on the material properties, part design, and molding conditions. Proper cooling allows for uniform solidification of the plastic material, minimizing internal stresses and reducing the likelihood of sink marks. 

Mold and Gate Design

In injection molding, the design of molds and gates is crucial for preventing sink marks. A gate refers to the point where molten plastic enters the mold cavity. Proper gate location ensures even distribution of plastic material, minimizing uneven cooling that can cause sink marks on the part surface. Incorrect gate placement can lead to areas of the part cooling at different rates, resulting in depressions or blemishes.

Effective venting within the mold is also essential to expel air or gasses trapped during injection. Inadequate venting can create voids or air pockets in the plastic part, disrupting uniform cooling and contributing to sink marks. Well-designed cooling channels in the mold promote consistent cooling across the entire cavity, minimizing shrinkage disparities that lead to surface imperfections like sink marks. 

How To Avoid Sink Marks

To steer clear of sink marks and other cosmetic flaws in injection molded parts, it’s all about solid injection mold engineering and harnessing 3D CAD tools effectively. Collaborating with molders and toolmakers can also allow you to continuously refine part designs.

  • Optimize mold design: Make sure the mold design encourages smooth plastic flow and even cooling, preventing uneven shrinkage and sink marks on your parts.
  • Increase holding pressure: Use enough pressure during injection to fill the mold completely, minimizing air pockets and ensuring consistent part density, which helps avoid sink marks.
  • Select appropriate materials: Choose materials that shrink evenly and flow well, reducing the chances of uneven cooling and shrinkage that cause sink marks.
  • Maintain consistent mold temperature: Keep the mold temperature stable throughout the process to ensure parts cool uniformly, preventing variations in shrinkage that can lead to sink marks.

Partner With an Experienced Product Development Firm

Avoiding sink marks and other injection molding defects hinges on careful diligence throughout the manufacturing journey. From meticulous mold design and material selection to maintaining consistent processes, every step plays a crucial role in achieving flawless parts. 

It’s also essential to collaborate with a product development firm that excels in designing for manufacturing, ensuring a seamless transition from concept to production.

At StudioRed, we specialize in guiding businesses through the intricacies of product development. Our approach integrates advanced CAD tools, thorough mold analysis, and expert material insights to mitigate issues like sink marks. By partnering with StudioRed, you gain a dedicated ally committed to optimizing your manufacturing process, reducing defects, and delivering products of exceptional quality.

Contact us to discover how we can help you achieve manufacturing excellence.