UX & UI Design Services

StudioRed’s UX design and UI design services focus on a user-centered approach to help create an inclusive product experience. Bridging the gap between industrial and digital design, our design team succeeds at applying fresh, new design thinking to the digital and product space. This results in intuitive experiences that can attract and engage a wide range of users. We have applied these skill sets to products ranging from consumer applications to biotech and medical devices.

Why Us?

  • Homogeneous product between physical and digital experience
  • Cross-disciplinary expertise to ensure project success
  • Clear communication and transparency in our interactions

From Idea To Execution

Walking you through the entire product development journey

UX/UI Service

Concept Exploration

A dynamic process of creative ideation and iterative exploration, focused on generating innovative solutions


Concept Refinement

Enhance selected design concepts to optimize aesthetics, functionality, and manufacturability



Plan and optimize manufacturing processes and quality control for efficient mechanical component/system production

Our Process

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Research and Discovery

We conduct thorough research to establish a robust foundation for your new design. This includes evaluating existing user interface solutions, collecting data, defining user profiles and environments, and addressing product positioning, the voice of the customer, and branding considerations.

Usability Analysis

We analyze the human factors of usage models, focusing on function, control, and user interface layout to ensure optimal usability.

Information Architecture / Wireframing

Through exhaustive sketching and layout studies, we develop a wide range of concepts that align with functional and positioning objectives.

UI Concept Development

We create and refine selected concepts, focusing on variations in aesthetic details. Our approach emphasizes a refined design language and product identity that seamlessly integrates workflow solutions with optional aesthetic design enhancements.

Engineering Validation

We collaborate with experienced development partners to ensure the design solutions proposed by the UX/UI team align with the technical capabilities and constraints of the software development environment.


We continue collaborating with development partners to handle custom development, ensuring a seamless transition from design to implementation.



Create memorable products and experiences that reduce the gap between the digital and physical worlds.

  • User experience design
  • Interaction design
  • User interface design
  • Mobile & app design
  • Service design
  • Website design
  • Digital research & prototyping
  • Information architecture
  • Wireframing

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